Wide span of control A manager has many subordinates under his control for whom he is directly responsible. It is normal for the span of control to be narrower at the top of a business as the senior managers have more complex and important roles that are more difficult to supervise. Lower down the hierarchy managers can have wider spans as they are supervising individuals who do similar and less complex jobs. Advantages: Encourages the manager to be more democratic and delegate more authority to the subordinates, which can be motivating Fewer layers of hierarchy needed- therefore improves vertical communication. Creates a more entrepreneurial culture as workers can take responsibility for jobs. Disadvantages Fewer promotional opportunities so can be de-motivating. Harder for manager to supervise and co-ordinate the exact work of subordinates and ensure they are working towards same common goal. Increase the risk of wrong decision being made as subordinates may be less well trained or lack experience Narrow span of control A manager has few subordinates under his control for whom he is directly responsible. Reverse of above arguments. Note: narrow spans of control produce more distance between the bottom of the hierarchy and the top thus creating a ‘them and us’ culture |